Who Are We?
We are c/2dLt Bowie Murthy and c/TSgt Aryahi Jogi, and we are a part of CA-935th AFJROTC. As Education Officer and NCO, we provide academic opportunities to the cadets in our unit. We introduce a wide variety of scholarships, academic programs, and contests to students of many backgrounds. We hope students can learn about the benefits scholarships offer! Our goal is to provide support to those seeking educational aid. This year, we will look for more opportunities, such as presentations, articles, and personalized scholarships!
Financial Aid:
The importance of financial aid is more apparent than ever. Increasing costs are discouraging many students from pursuing higher education, whether it be vocational school or trade training or university. Without financial aid, many students are forced to drop out or disregard higher education in general. Scholarships are a valuable source of financial aid. They prevent students from being saddled by debt, allowing them to achieve their version of academic success. Students are often unaware of the many scholarships available to them, ranging from local scholarships to international awards. Everyone deserves a chance to achieve their academic goals, and our work guarantees a greater accessibility to higher education for all!
Contact Us!
Feel free to reach out to us if you have an opportunity(a program, scholarship, club, event, etc.) you’d like us to send out, if need help finding scholarships, or just questions in general!
c/2dLt Bowie Murthy : @lilithswoe on discord
c/TSgt Aryahi Jogi : @aryahij on discord